Muir of Ord(2)

Glen Ord Distillery(10 May 2003)

Dingwallからバスに乗ってMuir of Ordまでのチケットを求める。蒸留所へ行くことを伝えると、幹線道路から蒸留所方面へ行く支道との分かれ道で降ろしてくれた。そこから少し歩き、大きなOrd Maltingの建物の横を過ぎると蒸留所のキルンが見えてきた。近づくと駐車場から黒い影が一斉に茂みへ向かう。野うさぎ達を驚かしてしまったようだ。土曜日なので人も少なく、駐車場でミーティングでもしていたのかな。

I got on a bus to Inverness and bought a ticket to Muir of Ord, and I told the bus driver that I went to Glen Ord Distillery. The driver stopped the bus at a junction of a branch road to distillery. I walked for about 10 minutes after I got off the bus. I passed beside the large building of Glen Ord maltings, then I came in sight a malt kiln and warehouse. Suddenly, something were scattered to a bush. I seemed to surprise wild rabbits.. They may have had a meeting at a car park.

Glen Ord蒸溜所のウィスキー


Muir of Ord Station(10 May 2003)

Muir of Ordは1862年に鉄道駅が出来てから発展してきた町で元々は東側のTarradale という所に集落があった。River Cononを渡る2つの橋がある北ハイランドの要所で周辺に牛の取引や会合が行われていた場所があった。
鉄道の駅が出来た時、鉄道会社は”Tarradale”ではなく、その会合が行われていた場所の名前、”Muir of Ord”と名付けた。その方が有名だったのだろう。それから徐々に町が駅の方角に広がり、町の名も”Muir of Ord”となった。

Muir of Ord have grown up since the station was built in 1862. There was a town in Tarradale, East of Muir of Ord. It was an important place in Northern Highland, there were 2 bridges across River Conon, and also there was a huge market of cattle.
When the station was built, the station company called it “Muir of Ord”, the place of market. It would be more general. After that the town was extended towards the station gradually, and the town was called “Muir of Ord”.

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