• タグ別アーカイブ: Tain
  • Tain(4)

    Balbleir Distillery(8 May 2003)


    Balbrair Distillery lies on the outskirts of Edderton, near North Highland Lines Railway. They have an old history, it was established in 1790. However, illicit whisky had been made before. There is enough peat and water. It is a good area for making whisky.
    Distilleries in Northern Highland have a unique shaped pot still. Pot still of Balbrair Distillery is thick, rounded shape. It is in contrast with a pot still of Glenmorangie Distillery.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 216

  • Tain(3)

    Glenmorangie Distillery(8 May 2003)


    Glenmorangie Distillery is really famous for their pot stills which have a tall and thin neck. It was established in 1843. Most whisky sell as own products. It is uncommon distillery in Scotland.
    the founder of Glenmorangie didn’t have enough funds, so they bought secondhand stills which were used for making gin. Fortunately, they made peculiar flavor of Glenmorangie. The founder might be a very lucky person. Height of still is about 5m, it’s the highest still in Scotland.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 216

  • Tain(2)

    Glenmorangie Distillery(8 May 2003)

    その時、材料説明のサンプルの麦芽が回ってきた。1つはGlenmorangieで使っているものともう1つはArdbegのものだ。Ardbegのスモーキーフレーバーに思わずニンマリするとガイドのスタッフから、”Do you like it?”と聞かれたので、当然”I love it!”と答える。でも周りの見学者は驚いていた・・・Why don’t you like Ardbeg?

    Sub manager of Balbrair Distillery took me Glenmorangie Distillery. Then I went to the reception of Glenmorangie and made an application for distilleries tour. Unfortunately, next tour was started as soon. That was toobad, I was too late for preparation of taking photographs.
    But I knew that tour had some introduce about tour and making whisky first of all, so I finished preparation of taking photographs during introduction.
    After that, the conductor show us two kind of sample of barley malt. One was Glenmorangie used, another one was Ardbeg. Some person of tour didn’t like the smell of Ardbeg, so when they scented the malt of Ardbeg, they frowned. However, it was good smell for me.
    “Do you like it?” the conductor asked me.
    “I love it!” I said.
    But some person were surprised. I thought that why you didn’t like Ardbeg.
    After the tour, we had a short break with a glass of Glenmorangie and small talk. Some person came from Ireland, so they might not like smoky flavor. A man asked me if Glenmorangie was popular in Japan. I said that Scotch Whisky include Glenmorangie was really popular in Japan, and Irish Whiskey too.
    Whisk(e)y drinkers have no border.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 216

  • Tain(1)

    Balbleir Distillery(8 May 2003)

    Balbrair蒸留所はTainの町から西へ約10kmのEddertonにある。非常に不便な所でバスも日に数本しかない。TainのTourist Informationで時刻表をもらうと後数分でバスが行ってしまう。しかも次のバスはない。慌ててバス停まで走って何とか乗りこんだけれども、帰りのバスは17:20までない。まぁ何とかなるかと思い蒸留所へ向かった。
    と聞かれた。2日前に訪れたPulteney蒸留所のマネージャが連絡してくれていた。Pulteneyのマネージャに2日後にTainへ行くので Balbrairに行きたいと言う話はしていたのだけど連絡までしてくれたとは。しかしひと目でよくわかったなと感心したけど黒のトレンチにツィードのハンティングを被った日本人って他にいないかと納得。
    Visitor Centreはないけどサブマネージャが丁寧に案内してくれ、帰りにはミニチュアを2本いただいた。更に町まで送ってもらうことになった。厚かましくも Glenmorangie蒸留所まで連れてってというお願いも聞いてもらえた。スコットランドの人達はとても親切だ。こういう人々のおかげで私は素晴らしい旅が出来る。

    Balbrair Distillery lies in Edderton, about 10km west of Tain. It was lack traffic facilities, there weren’t many bus. I visited Tourist Information in Tain, and I got a timetable. Next bus to Edderton was in few minutes, and it was the last bus to Edderton. I rushed
    bus stop and I took the bus. But the bus return to Tain was 17:20.
    “Don’t worry! Just give it a try!” I thought.
    For seeing Balbrair Distillery, an appointment was necessary, but I didn’t have an appointment.
    “Don’t worry!”
    I visited the reception of distillery. Suddenly, the staff asked me if I visited Pulteney Distillery 2 days ago. I visited Pulteney Distillery in Wick, and I talked to the manager of Pulteney about my tour plan. I said that I went to Tain 2 days after and I wanted to go to Balbrair. Fortunately, he told them about me.
    They don’t have a visitor centre and a shop, but sub manager of Balbrair guided me carefully. And he gave me two miniature bottles of Balbrair Single Malt Whisky as a souvenir, and also he said to take me to Tain by car. So I asked him to take me to Glenmorangie Distillery.
    People in Scotland is very kindly. I can’t have a good journey without help of Scottish.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 216