• タグ別アーカイブ: Lost Distillery
  • Campbeltown(9)

    Glen Nevis Distillery(17 Sep 2008)

    A warehouse of Glen Nevis Distillery

    Glen Nevis蒸留所は1877年に建設された町で2番目に新しい蒸留所でGlebe Street沿いに建てられた。創業者はCampbeltownのウィスキー産業を牽引してきたDuncan MacCallum。当時の最新式設備を導入し、効率よく生産ができる近代的な蒸留所だった。
    1887年にScotch Whisky Distillers Ltdに買収されたGlen Nevis蒸留所は、その会社が1889年に倒産した後、創業者であるDuncan MacCallumによって買い戻されたが、1896年にScotia蒸留所(現在のGlen Scotia蒸留所)を所有していたStewart Galbraith社によって買収された。そして多くのほかの蒸留所と同じように、1919年にWest Highland Malt Distillers社によって買収された。ウィスキーの製造は1923年に停止された。
    その後、Duncan MacCallumは1930年12月に、多くの蒸留所が水源としていたCrosshill Lochで謎の自殺を遂げた。
    Glen Nevis蒸留所は1936年にArdlussa蒸留所と共に新しい会社によって購入され、ウェアハウスだった建物にブレンドと瓶詰の工場が造られた。

    Glen Nevis Distillery was second newest distillery in Campbeltown, it was built along Glebe Street in 1877. The founder was Duncan MacCallum who led whisky industry of Campbeltown. The distillery was modern and produced efficiently, it had much modern equipments for the era.
    Glen Nevis Distillery was bought by Scotch Whisky Distillers Ltd in 1887 and bought back by Duncan MacCallum after Scotch Whisky Distillers went bankrupt in 1889. However, The distillery was bought by Stewart Galbraith, who owned Scotia Distillery(later Glen Scotia). After that, it was bought by West Highland Malt Distillers and closed in 1923, like so many other distilleries in Campbeltwn.
    Duncan MacCallum committed mysterious suicide in December 1930 at Crosshill Loch, where many distilleries in Campbeltown used as a water source.
    Glen Nevis Distillery was bought by a new company in 1936 with Ardlussa Distillery, which was next to Glen Nevis. Warehouses were converted to a blending and bottling plant.
    Today, the distillery site (including Ardlussa) is a yard of construction company and a part of the warehouses are remained.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 671

  • Campbeltown(8)

    Meadowburn Distillery(16 Sep 2008)

    Site of Meadowburn Distillery

    Meadowburn蒸留所は1824年に町の南端のWitchburn Roadから少し入った所に建設された。創業者メンバーの中には密造時代にポットスティルを製造していた職人も含まれていたらしい。その後、何度か経営者が変わり1882年頃閉鎖された。
    1885年、Alfred BarnardがCalmpbeltownを訪れた時、Meadowburn蒸留所は既に閉鎖していたため、その記録はとても少ない。1899年発行のOS Mapには使われていない蒸留所と記述されている。
    Meadowburn蒸留所の敷地はおそらく隣接するBurnside蒸留所と共に乳製品製造工場へ改造するプランに含まれていたのだろう。現在はCampbeltown Creamery社の工場の駐車場として使用されている(写真の左側)。

    Meadowburn Distillery was built by the south end of the town on the south side of Witchburn Road in 1824. One of the establish member was a plumbing worker who had made and supplied stills to illicit distillers until several years ago. After that, a owner changed several times and was closed around 1882.
    When Alfred Barnard visited Calmpbeltown in 1885, Meadowburn Distillery had been closed. So records of it are not so many. The distillery is described as “disused” in OS Map published in 1899.
    The site of Meadowburn Distillery would probably be included in a plan to convert the distillery to a creamery plant. Now, it is used as a car park for Campbeltown Creamery.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 671

  • Campbeltown(7)

    Longrow Distillery(14 Sep 2008)

    Longrow蒸留所は町で古い合法的な蒸留所の一つで1824年に現在のSpringbank蒸留所の向かい側に建設された。ウィスキー職人であるJohn Rossが銀行の支援を受けて創業された。操業は翌年に創業されたKintyre蒸留所と一緒にJohn Rossが行っていた。
    1886年に蒸留所を訪れたAlfred BarnardによるとLongrow蒸留所の設備は時代遅れになっていたようで、そのポットスティルは彼が見た中で一番古風なものと著書に記述されている。密造時代のものをそのまま使用したのかも知れない。
    1886年に長年Longrow蒸留所を支えてきたJohn Rossが死去すると、翌年新しいオーナーに売却された。新しいオーナーはその後10年ほど操業を続け、最終的に1896年に蒸留所を閉鎖した。その名前にもかかわらず、Campbeltownのメインストリートの一つであるLongrowには接しておらず、周りを建物に囲まれて近代化や拡張工事が不可能になってきたのだろう。

    Longrow Distillery was build in the opposite side of the current Springbank Distillery in 1824, it was one of the oldest legal distilleries in Campbeltown. It was established by whisky distiller, John Ross with support of some bankers. John Ross operated Longrow Distillery and Kintyre Distillery, which was established in 1825.
    According to Alfred Barnard who visited the distillery in 1886, some equipments of the distillery seemed to be old-fashioned, especially pot stills were the quaintest he had set eyes on. They might use those stills from illicit distilleries.
    John Ross died in 1886, and Longrow Distillery was sold to a new owner in 1887. The new owner operated Longrow Distillery next 10years and closed in 1896. In spite of the name, Longrow Distillery didn’t face to Longrow, one of the main street in Campbeltown, and site of distillery was surrounded by other buildings. The modernization and extension might be impossible.
    A part of the warehouses stands now and is used as a bottling plant by Springbank Distillery. And the name of Longrow remains as a brand of the peaty malt whisky of Springbank.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 671

  • Forres(3)

    Dallas Dhu Distillery(22 Sep 2007)

    Forresの中心部から南へ約2kmにあるDallas Dhu蒸留所は1898年、企業家のAlexander EdwardによってDallas Mhor蒸留所としてForresからGrantown on Speyへの鉄道の側に建設された。しかし彼は操業開始直前の1899年にグラスゴーのブレンド会社、Wright & Greig社に売却。名前を"Dallas Dhu"に変更し操業が開始された。
    その後、Dallas Dhu蒸留所は1939年に起きた火災で施設が被害を受け、加えて第二次世界大戦のために操業が再開されたのは1947年となった。

    Dallas Dhu Distillery, which stands on the site about 2km south from Forres Town Centre, was established in 1898 by Alexander Edward who was an entrepreneur beside a railroad from Forres to Grantown on Spey as Dallas Mhor Distillery. However, he sold the distillery to blending company of Glasgow, Wright & Greig, Ltd before the distillery went into production in 1899. They changed the distillery name to Dallas Dhu and started whisky production.
    However, The owner of distillery was changed in the same way as some of distilleries which were built during the Whisky Boom in the 19th. Finally, Dallas Dhu Distillery was acquired by DCL(later United Distillers) in 1929. The whisky production had been continued since 1899, but the distillery was mothballed from 1930 to 1936.
    Dallas Dhu Distillery was damaged with much of its equipment by a fire, and World War 2 broke out. So, reopening of the distillery was delayed until 1947.

    Dallas Dhu蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 671

  • Forres(2)

    The Way to Dallas Dhu Distillery(22 Sep 2007)

    Dallas Dhu蒸留所は地図上ではForresの中心部から南へ約2kmの所にある。これぐらいは徒歩圏内。Benromach蒸留所を後にして町の風景を楽しみながら歩く。
    でも同じ道を帰るのだから、また上り坂が・・・いや今は考えるのをやめよう。Dallas Dhu蒸留所の見学を楽しもう。

    Dallas Dhu Distillery was about 2km south from Forres town centre on the map. It was within walking distance for me. After I left Benromach Distillery, I walked to Dallas Dhu Distillery and enjoyed the scenery of town.
    After a while, the scenery was changed and the road which passed through the hill of meadows was an uphill slope. And I was holding a heavy camera bag and a bottle of whisky which I bought at Benromach Distillery.
    I often faced this situation during Scotland tour, it was a very hard!
    When I finished climbing the hill and approached the down slope, a malt kiln and an old style chimney came in sight. It would be arrive shortly.
    However, I had to come back through the same way, uphill slope again…
    No, let’s stop thinking now, enjoy the distillery tour at Dallas Dhu Distillery!

    Dallas Dhu蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 671