• カテゴリー別アーカイブ Western Highland
  • Oban(6)

    Beautiful View at The McCaig's Tower(20 Sep 2008)

    スコットランド滞在の最終日夕方に天候が回復するなんて、雨男のパワー全開の今回のツアー。B&Bに戻る前に近くにあるMcCaig's Towerに立ち寄る。
    McCaig's Towerは港や鉄道駅が見渡せるとても眺めのいい場所。前回も来たけど町の東側からの眺めはここが一番いい。

    The weather improved in the evening on the last day of the stay in Scotland. My power of the rain bringer was very strong during the tour. Before returning to B&B, I stopped by the McCaig's Tower near the B&B.
    McCaig's Tower is good viewpoint, look over around a port and a train station. I think the best viewpoint from the east side of the town. I came here when I stayed in Oban last time.
    By the way, I will be in London tomorrow evening. I had only the last plan in Scotland to eat a dinner tonight.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Oban(5)

    Dunollie Castle(20 Sep 2008)

    オーバンの町の北側、港の入り口を一望できる絶好の位置にあるDunollie Castleは13世紀頃に当時の領主、Ewan MacDougallによって最初の城が築城されたがそれ以前からこの地は防御拠点の要塞が造られていた。
    1715年のジャコバイトの反乱でジャコバイト側についたMacDougall家はDunollie Castleを再び没収されたが1745年の反乱は領主は参加しなかった(何人かの家来はジャコバイトとしてカローデンの戦いに参加した)。
    1746年に城はMacDougall家に返却された。しかし城は荒廃し、また当時の生活スタイルにもにも合わなくなっていたので破棄され、領主一族は近くに邸宅を建てて移り住んだ。その邸宅は現在Dunollie Houseと呼ばれ、博物館となっている。

    Dunollie Castle lies on the north of Oban, the best position of overlooking the Oban Bay. The first castle was built around 13th century by the laird, Ewan MacDougall. However, there are some remains of fortress of defense base in 700s.
    The MacDougalls was opposed to Robert the Bruce in the early 1300s, and lost Dunollie Castle. The castle was given to the Campbells. However, Dunollie Castle was regained in the end of 14th century. Now, Dunollie Castle which is left was rebuilt around the time.
    The MacDougalls supported the Jacobite during the Jacobite rising of 1715, so the MacDougalls lost Dunollie Castle again. After that, they did not take part in the Jacobite rising of 1745, though some of the clansmen fought as Jacobites at the Battle of Culloden.
    Dunollie Castle was returned to the MacDougalls after the battle in 1746. However, the castle was in a ruinous condition, and also the castle was not fitted for their lifestyle at that time. So laird and his family abandoned Dunollie Castle and built a residence near the castle. The residence is called Dunollie House and becomes the museum.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Claonaig(1)

    Ferry! Come Ba—–ck!(17 Sep 2008)



    It took about 1hour from Campbeltowng by bus, I arrived at Kennacraig. I was going to change to the bus which went to Claonaig, east side of Kintyre peninsula. However, the bus didn’t come on time.
    Eventually, the bus was coming about 10 minutes late. I really got antsy if I would be able to get on the ferry to Isle of Arran.
    The road to Claonaig was very narrow and when the bus passed cars on the opposite lane each other, the bus stopped. So I was irritated.
    When the bus arrived at Claonaig at last, the ferry which I was supposed to get on had already left a port. I thought there was no waiting to connect between the bus and the ferry in Scotland. Furthermore, the necessary time from Kennacraig to Claonaig was 15 minutes on timetable, but I thought it was impossible even if a car on the opposite lane was nothing.
    The way to Isle of Alan was very hard.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Oban(4)

    Oban Distillery and The McCaig's Tower(18 Sep 2008)

    Obanに再びやって来た。前回は1泊しか出来なかったからいろいろとやり残したことがある。美味しいシーフードをもっと食べたい、マル島にも行きたい、Dunollie Castleにも行きたい。
    でもObanと言えばやはりこの風景。Oban蒸留所とMcCaig’s Tower。今回は天気がちょっと良くないけど。

    I came to Oban again. I stayed just 1 day last time, so I want to do something I wasn’t able to do last time. I want to eat more good local seafood, go to Isle of Mull, go to Dunollie Castle.
    And after all, speaking of Oban, this scenery, Oban Distillery and McCaig’s Tower. Weather is not slightly good this time.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Oban(3)

    Seafood in Scotland(5 May 2006)

    Obanでは有名なWaterfront Fishouse Restaurantを訪れた。

    One of the fun of trip is eating the local food. In general, it is said that there is no good food in the UK. Certainly, it is annoyed when I eat in London. However, I think Scottish food is pretty good, especially seafood is very nice to eat in the western port town.
    I went to the famous "Waterfront Fishouse Restaurant" when I stayed in Oban.
    I dithered over what I ate, finally I ordered the seafood platter for starter. When the dish was served after a while, I really suprised. Two raw oyster, two big langoustines and smoke sarmon from Inverawe. It was first time to eat raw oyster in Scotland, very fresh and delicious!
    Volume was plenty and I felt pretty full stomach, but I finished to eat starter. This volume would not be for a person in Japan, it looked like main dish.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692