• タグ別アーカイブ: Scottish Food
  • Oban(6)

    Beautiful View at The McCaig's Tower(20 Sep 2008)

    スコットランド滞在の最終日夕方に天候が回復するなんて、雨男のパワー全開の今回のツアー。B&Bに戻る前に近くにあるMcCaig's Towerに立ち寄る。
    McCaig's Towerは港や鉄道駅が見渡せるとても眺めのいい場所。前回も来たけど町の東側からの眺めはここが一番いい。

    The weather improved in the evening on the last day of the stay in Scotland. My power of the rain bringer was very strong during the tour. Before returning to B&B, I stopped by the McCaig's Tower near the B&B.
    McCaig's Tower is good viewpoint, look over around a port and a train station. I think the best viewpoint from the east side of the town. I came here when I stayed in Oban last time.
    By the way, I will be in London tomorrow evening. I had only the last plan in Scotland to eat a dinner tonight.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Tobermory(3)

    Where is a Treasure?(19 Sep 2008)

    Scenery of Tobermory

    1788年に英国の漁業協会(British Fisheries Society)によって漁港として創設されたトバモリー。しかしそれ以前から停泊地に適した地形で船の停泊地として使用されていたと思われる。

    Tobermory was founded in 1788 by British Fisheries Society. However, Tbermory Bay is a superb natural harbour, so it would be used as a anchorage of the ship before founded.
    A Spanish galleon ,which was a member of Spanish Armada and laden with gold, sank in Tobermory Bay by fire when Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588. It was investigated, but have not found.
    Treasure would lie somewhere at the bottom of Tobermory Bay?



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Oban(4)

    Oban Distillery and The McCaig's Tower(18 Sep 2008)

    Obanに再びやって来た。前回は1泊しか出来なかったからいろいろとやり残したことがある。美味しいシーフードをもっと食べたい、マル島にも行きたい、Dunollie Castleにも行きたい。
    でもObanと言えばやはりこの風景。Oban蒸留所とMcCaig’s Tower。今回は天気がちょっと良くないけど。

    I came to Oban again. I stayed just 1 day last time, so I want to do something I wasn’t able to do last time. I want to eat more good local seafood, go to Isle of Mull, go to Dunollie Castle.
    And after all, speaking of Oban, this scenery, Oban Distillery and McCaig’s Tower. Weather is not slightly good this time.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Oban(3)

    Seafood in Scotland(5 May 2006)

    Obanでは有名なWaterfront Fishouse Restaurantを訪れた。

    One of the fun of trip is eating the local food. In general, it is said that there is no good food in the UK. Certainly, it is annoyed when I eat in London. However, I think Scottish food is pretty good, especially seafood is very nice to eat in the western port town.
    I went to the famous "Waterfront Fishouse Restaurant" when I stayed in Oban.
    I dithered over what I ate, finally I ordered the seafood platter for starter. When the dish was served after a while, I really suprised. Two raw oyster, two big langoustines and smoke sarmon from Inverawe. It was first time to eat raw oyster in Scotland, very fresh and delicious!
    Volume was plenty and I felt pretty full stomach, but I finished to eat starter. This volume would not be for a person in Japan, it looked like main dish.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692

  • Port Charlotte(2)

    Octmore Farm(24 April 2004)

    Octmore蒸留所はPort Charlotteの背後の丘に古くからあったOctmore Farmに1816年に造られた蒸留所で60ガロンのポットスティル1基だけの非常に小規模な蒸留所だった。1840年頃には早くも操業停止に追い込まれ、そのまま閉鎖された。
    いつものようにバスで蒸留所巡りをしていた私はBruichladdich蒸留所のShopで思いのほか時間を費やし、気がつけば次の目的地、Port Charlotteへ向かうバスの時間まであと1分になっていた。あわてて蒸留所の前にあるバス停まで行き、周りを見渡すとバスはいない。どうやら間に合ったと思ったが、それから待つこと20分・・・ようやくバスに乗り遅れた事を理解した。
    重い足取りでPort Charlotte方面へ歩いていると、車で蒸留所スタッフが通りかかった。
    “Port Charlotteへ行くけど乗る?”
    との有難い申し出に迷うことなくYesと答えてご好意に甘える。Loch Indaal蒸留所の建物を撮りたかったので場所を聞くとそこまで連れて行ってくれ、さらにOctmore蒸留所の場所も教えてくれた。私は親切なScotlandの人々のおかげで旅ができる。

    Octmore Distillery was build in 1814 at Octmore Farm, which was on the hill behind Port Charllote. It was a very small distillery, they had only one small pot still of 60 gallons. It was stoped making whisky around 1840, and then closed.
    I spent for a long time at shop in Bruichladdich Distillery. The bus to Port Charlotte was in 1 minute. I went to the bus stop in fromt of distillery in a hurry. I thought I was able to catch the bus, because I didin’t saw any bus.
    20 minutes later, I understood that I missed to catch the bus. I had to walk about 3km.
    I started to walk but I was pretty depressed. A few minute later, the car stopped at my side. The staff of Bruichladdich Distillery was going to Port Charlotte.
    “Where are you going? Take my car!”
    He took me to Port Charlotte, in front of warehouse of Loch Indaal Distillery and he gave me some information about Octmore Distillery.
    Scottish people often help me during my stay in Scotland. I always appreciate their kindness.


    ポート シャロッテのお勧め

    続きを読む 投稿 ID 692