
Dreaming of Childhood (6 May 2003)

Pulteney蒸留所の南側に出るとスコットランドらしい牧草地の中にぽつんと学校(Wick South Primary School)があった。側には小川があって蒸留所に流れ込んでいる。この小川をさかのぼると仕込み水の採取地である湖があるのだろうか。

Wick South Primary School is in the south of Pulteney Distillery and there was a burn, called “Mill Lode” next to the school. The burn flew into the distillery. The loch, which provide water for Pulteney Distillery, would lie on the upper stream.
I wanted to go up the burn, feeling like a child again. But I didn’t have enough a free time.
I think I’ve got something to make free, but I’ve lost my free time since I grew up a man



Wick Station (6 May 2003)


Wick is one of the most important place in northern Scotland. Wick Station, which was one of the most important station of railway, former main transporter, is a large station, there are 4 platform However those are no use except only 1 platform. It would be enough for arrival and departure 3 times a day. The uninhabited station create a lonely atmosphere.
However, the terminus is also the starting point. Station always watch over the traveller who start a new journey leaping own heart with expectation.

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