• Stirling(6)

    Robert de Bruce (23 Sep 2005)

    リーダー的存在だったWilliam Wallaceを処刑したEdward1世の思惑通りにはいかず、スコットランドの反乱は収まらなかった。そして志半ばの1307年に戦場への途中で死去する。後を継いだその息子、Edward2世は歴史上稀な愚王。政治も戦いも父親とは雲泥の差があった。
    その幸運を掴み取ったのがRobert de Bruceだった。13世紀末の混乱を作り出した王位継承権を主張する貴族の一人だったが国内の混乱をうまく収めて最終的に1314年、BannockburnでEdward2世率いるイングランド軍を打ち破り、スコットランドに主権を取り戻した。

    Edward 1st thought that he would be able to suppress the rebellion of Scotland because he had executed William Wallace, who was a leader of Scotland. But it didn’t have an effect and Edward 1st died on the way to the battlefield in 1307 before he could realize his ambition. The Edward 2nd, who was the son of Edward 1st and the successor to the throne, was one of the most foolish king in English history. He was very different for politics and war.
    Fortunately, Robert de Bruce got the chance. He was one of the nobles who claimed the right of succession and confused Scotland in the end of 13th. However, he suppressed the confusion of Scotland. Finally, he won the battle with England in Bannockburn in 1314 and got the sovereignty of Scotland again.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 220

  • Stirling(5)

    Bannockburn(23 Sep 2005)

    対峙したイングランド軍に向かってHamish(William Wallaceの幼なじみ)がWallaceの剣を投げる。それを合図にRobert de Bruceを先頭にスコットランド軍が突撃を開始した。
    映画”Brave Heart”の感動的なラストシーンはBannockburnが舞台となっている。でもRobert de Bruceが大軍に向かって先陣切って突撃するわけがなく、イングランド軍の先鋒を務める部隊との戦いでRobert de Bruceは敵の大将を討ち取った。それに勇気づけられたスコットランド軍はなぜか川(Bannock Burn)を背にして陣取ったイングランド軍に正面から槍、側面から弓で攻撃し、川に追い落として勝利した。明らかにイングランド軍の作戦ミスだった。

    Hamish, who was a friend of William Wallace’s from his childhood, threw the claymore of Wallace at English army in front of him. It became a signal, Robert de Bruce was in the van and Scottish soldiers rushed English army.
    The last scene of the movie “Brave Heart” is laid in Bannockburn. However, I don’t think that Robert de Bruce was in the van of Scottish army. In fact, Robert de Bruce killed the leader of English vanguard. It had encouraged Scottish soldiers and fortunately, English army took up their position with Bannock Burn in the background. Scottish spearman was attacked from the front and archer was attacked from the side. English army was driven off on the river. They made a mistake of strategy.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 220

  • London(1)

    The Trace of Scotland (28 Apr 2004)

    スコットランドで捕らえられ、ロンドンに連行されたWilliam Wallaceはロンドン塔に収監された。そして形式だけの裁判を受け、四つ裂きの刑と決まった。その後、London市内を引き回された後、公開処刑場で処刑された。
    現在その場所は病院(St. Bartholomew’s Hospital)になっている。

    William Wallace was taken to London and imprisoned in London Tower. Then, he was judged by English. His judge was He was hanged, drawn and quartered.
    After a trial, William Wallace was dragged around London, and he was beheaded and cut into four parts.
    At that time, executing was opened to the public. It was a kind of show. For English, execution of traitor would be very interesting.
    Now, there is St. Bartholomew’s Hospital on the place of execution for William Wallace.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 220

  • Stirling(4)

    Wallace Monument (23 Sep 2005)

    Stirling Bridgeの戦いの前、William Wallaceは丘の上に登り、イングランド軍の動向を偵察している。
    そのAbbey Craigの丘に1877年に8年の歳月を経て建てられたのがNational Wallace Monument。67m、4階建ての塔の中にはWilliam Wallaceにまつわるいろいろな展示がある。
    因みに1997年に駐車場に作られたWilliam Wallaceの銅像は映画”Brave Heart”の主演、メル・ギブソンそっくりで映画をよく思っていない人々から排除運動が起きた。映画としては好きだけどストーリーは歴史から大幅に脚色されている。

    Before the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Sir William Wallace went up to the hill, called Abbey Craig, and he scouted English Army.
    National Wallace Monument was built on the hill of Abbey Craig in 1877. It’s 67m height, 4 storeyed tower, there are some exhibitions about William Wallace and Scotland.
    When you go to the tower, you have to go up the hill from bus stop near a car park. It’s really hard. Then you have to go up 246 steps of the spiral staircase to the top. Of cource there is no elevator.
    In 1997, the statue of Wallace was built in the car park. However, it seems to be Mel Gibson, the main actor of “Brave Heart”. Some people who don’t think that “Brave Heart” is not good for Scottish History claimed that the statue was not necessary. “Brave Heart” is my favorite but the story is dramatized from history.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 220

  • Stirling(3)

    Stirling Old Bridge (21 Sep 2005)

    1297年、Englandの王、Edward1世の弾圧に対して立ち上がったWilliam Wallaceは彼の元に集まった民衆を指揮してゲリラ戦を行い、いくつかの小規模な戦いでイングランド軍に勝利を得た。これに呼応して各地で民衆の反乱が広がっていった。
    これを鎮圧しようとしたイングランド軍はスコットランド中部に攻め入り、Stirling付近のRiver Forthに架かる橋を挟んで対峙した。

    William Wallace, the great hero for independence of Scotland, rose up against the King of England, “Long Shank” Edward 1st in 1297. He fought against England with people of Scotland, and he won some small battles. Then some people rose in rebellion in Scotland.
    English Army invaded near Stirling for suppression of rebellion. English Army and Scottish Army confronted each other on both sides of River Forth and the bridge.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 220