
Strathmill Distillery(26 Oct 2001)

Strathmill蒸留所はKeithの町外れのRiver Islaの辺にある。1897年創業で当初はGlenIslaという名称だった。19世紀末に建てられた蒸留所らしく鉄道の側にある。専用の支線がKeith~Dufftown Railwayから引かれていた。

Strathmill Distillery lies beside of River Isla, on the outskirts of Keith. It was build in 1897 and originally called Glen Isla Ditillery. Like a distillery build in the end of 19th, it is beside of railway. Strathmill had a branch line from Keith-Dufftown Railway.
I didn’t know about Strathmill Distillery very well, but when I saw its beautiful kiln, it has been one of my favorite distilleries.
I wanted to drink Strathmill malt whisky after I came back to Japan. At that time, Strathmill malt whisky in UD Flora and Fauna edition was started to sell in UK. So I had waited to import Strathmill, but it was more than 6 months later. I thought Strathmill wasn’t popular in Japan.



Ruin of the Industrial Revolution(26 Oct 2001)

1830年にマンチェスターとリバプールの間に世界で初めて鉄道が運行されたのを皮切りに、英国内に鉄道網が伸びていった。英国の産業革命を象徴するものの1つだろう。スコットランドでも多くの路線が敷設されたが現在は道路網が整備され、バスがメインとなっている。そして多くの鉄道が廃止され、残っている路線も1日に数本しか運行されず旅行にも使いづらい公共交通機関となっている。このKeith~Dufftown Railwayのように観光シーズンの週末しか運行されないような鉄道も存在する。

The first railway was build between Manchester and Liverpool in 1830. It was the first railway in the world. After that, many lines were build until the end of 19th. Railway is one of the symbol of the Industrial Revolution. There were a lot of railway in Scotland, but most lines didn’t survive. The main public transportation has changed from train to bus in countryside, and railway in Scotland isn’t operated a lot. It’s not convenient to take a train for travelers. Like the Keith-Dufftown Railway, there are a few lines which is operated only weekend in tourist season.
However, I like a trip by train more than bus or car. If I have enough time, I would go on the trip by train in Scotland, especially between London and Scotland. If the line between Dufftown and Elgin, if we can go on the trip by train from Keith to Elgin via Dufftown, whisky connoisseur would be in raptures.

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