
Aberfeldy Distillery (19 Sep 2005)

Pitlochryからバスに乗り、途中で乗り換えてRiver Tay沿いの道路を走ること約40分。美しい川の流れとは反対の方向にAberfeldy蒸留所の美しいキルンが見えてくる。
Aberfeldy蒸留所は1896年にJohn Dewar’s & Sons社によってブレンデッドウィスキー用のモルト原酒確保の目的で建設された。

If you want to go to Aberfeldy Distillery, you should take the bus from Pitlochry to Aberfeldy. It takes about 40 minutes. You can enjoy the good view of River Tay.
Aberfeldy Distillery was build in 1896 by Dewar’s & Sons Co. They needed a malt whisky for Dewar’s blended whisky.
Aberfeldy has had a superb Visitor Centre since 1998, when the distillery has been owned by Bacardi, known by Rum. The facilities and contents of display are wonderful, you will have a good time at Aberfeldy Distillery.
I think almost of all people will enjoy at Aberfeldy Distillery as a whisky museum.



The Aberfeldy Watermill (19 Sep 2005)

蒸留所から1km程を歩いてAberfeldyの町へ到着。1733年にRiver Tayを渡る唯一の橋が造られてからAberfeldyの町の発展の歴史が始まった。また18世紀は水力を利用して綿産業が盛んだった。歴史ある町には必ずPubがある。
PubでAleを飲みながらTourist Informationで集めてきた無料パンフレットを見ていると、ちょっといびつな、でもモルトキルンのような建物の写真が載っていた。古い製粉工場の建物を利用して現在はギャラリーやカフェが併設されたブックショップとなっている。おそらくモルトキルンは製粉工場の建物が原型になっているのだと思う。

I walked for about 1km from distillery to the town of Aberfeldy.
Aberfeldy had grown in 18th since the first bridge across River Tay was build near Aberfeldy in 1733, and also cotton milling was a main industry.
I drank a pint of ale at pub in Aberfeldy while i checked some informations which I got them at Tourist Information in Aberfeldy. I found a photograph of the old building which look like a malt kiln. It was a old building of flour mill and now it is a book shop and gallery with cafe. In my opinion, malt kiln of distillery would be on a model of flour mills.
There are some hints of relation between whisky and other industries.

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