• カテゴリー別アーカイブ Speyside
  • Rothes(4)

    Caperdonich Distillery (27 Oct 2001)

    Caperdonich蒸留所はウィスキーブームの中の1898年、Glen Grantの第2蒸留所として建設された、Rothesで最後に建てられた蒸留所。しかし3年後には早くも操業停止。世の中は一転、ウィスキー不況の時代となっていた。

    Caperdonich Distillery was established in 1898, during the whisky boom as the back up distillery of Glen Grant Distillery. But it was mothballed in 3 years already. The whisky boom had finished.
    It was restarted in 1965. In 2 years, distillery were extended and added 2 more still.
    In 1977, it was acquired by Seagrams and malt whisky is a componet of the Chivas Regal blended whisky.
    However, distillery was mothballed in October, 2002. Now it would probably be closed.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 235

  • Rothes(3)

    Speyburn Distillery (31 Oct 2001)


    Speyburn Distillery lies North of Rothes, in the Glen of Rothes. It is surrounded by forest. It was established in 1897, not large-scale distillery with 1 wash still and 1 spirit still. However, the view of distillery is very beautiful, one of the best scenery distilleries in Scotland.
    I took the bus from Craigellachie to Elgin. When the bus passed Rothes I saw Speyburn Distillery on my right. I often try to take photographs on a vehicle, but the photos are not good. This is precious one for me.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 235

  • Rothes(2)

    Glenrothes Distillery (27 Oct 2001)

    Rothesのメインストリートを南に下り、Burn of Rothesに沿って西へ入る。しばらく歩くとGlenrothes蒸留所のモルトキルンが見えてくる。
    現在はHighland Distillers系列で同社の主力商品、Cutty SarkやFamous Grouseの主要モルトウィスキーとして使用されている。

    Glenrothes Distillery was established in 1878, it was the second distilleries in Rothes. But their business was not successful, the owner often changed. And it was destroyed by fire in 1922.
    At present, Glenrothes Distillery is owned by Highland Distillers, the whisky is known as a main malt of Cutty Sark and Famous Grouse.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 235

  • Rothes(1)

    Glen Grant Distillery(27 Oct 2001)

    Glen Grant蒸留所は1840年にこの地区の有力者、ジェームスとジョンのグラント兄弟によって建設された。早くからシングルモルトの販売を開始し、現在でもイタリアで人気がある。
    近代化された蒸留所のウィスキー造りに携わるスタッフは6名。6週間のウィスキー造りを終えると、次はGlenlivet蒸留所で6週間。そしてまたGlen Grantへ戻ってくるとのこと。

    Glen Grant Distillery was established in 1840, by James and John Grant. It’s known as a first product of single malt whisky. And Glen Grant is one of the most selling single malt whisky, expecially they have a top sale in Italian market.
    Glen Grant Distillery is modern distillery, it is operated by 6 staffs for making whisky. They work about 6weeks for making whisky. Then, they go to The Glenlivet Distillery and make whisky for 6 weeks. After that, they come back to Glen Grant.
    The guide of distillery said “They are making whisky most in the world”.

    Glen Grant蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 235

  • Keith(3)

    Strathmill Distillery(26 Oct 2001)

    Strathmill蒸留所はKeithの町外れのRiver Islaの辺にある。1897年創業で当初はGlenIslaという名称だった。19世紀末に建てられた蒸留所らしく鉄道の側にある。専用の支線がKeith~Dufftown Railwayから引かれていた。

    Strathmill Distillery lies beside of River Isla, on the outskirts of Keith. It was build in 1897 and originally called Glen Isla Ditillery. Like a distillery build in the end of 19th, it is beside of railway. Strathmill had a branch line from Keith-Dufftown Railway.
    I didn’t know about Strathmill Distillery very well, but when I saw its beautiful kiln, it has been one of my favorite distilleries.
    I wanted to drink Strathmill malt whisky after I came back to Japan. At that time, Strathmill malt whisky in UD Flora and Fauna edition was started to sell in UK. So I had waited to import Strathmill, but it was more than 6 months later. I thought Strathmill wasn’t popular in Japan.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 235