
Glenrothes Distillery (27 Oct 2001)

Rothesのメインストリートを南に下り、Burn of Rothesに沿って西へ入る。しばらく歩くとGlenrothes蒸留所のモルトキルンが見えてくる。
現在はHighland Distillers系列で同社の主力商品、Cutty SarkやFamous Grouseの主要モルトウィスキーとして使用されている。

Glenrothes Distillery was established in 1878, it was the second distilleries in Rothes. But their business was not successful, the owner often changed. And it was destroyed by fire in 1922.
At present, Glenrothes Distillery is owned by Highland Distillers, the whisky is known as a main malt of Cutty Sark and Famous Grouse.



Rothes Castle (27 Oct 2001)

Ordnance SurveyのLandranger Mapを見ながら、町を歩いているとGlenrothes蒸留所の近くに”Castle”の字を見つけた。でもそんなものはどこにも見えない。ただ丘陵地があるだけだ。上に行けば何かあるのかなと思い、丘の上に登ってみると、昔の城壁が少しだけ残っていた。
確かにお城だったのだろうけどその姿を想像することも出来ない。遠くに見えるRiver Speyの流れは当時と同じなのだろうけど。

When I walked around in Rothes, looking at Landranger Map of Ordnance Survey, I found a “Castle” on the map. But I couldn’t see it, there is only a hill. I thought that there was any ruins of castle on the hill, so I went up the hill. And I found a small wall.
Probably, there would be a castle here, but I couldn’t imagine the form. Although, the stream of River Spey, which I saw in the distance behind the wall, will not have changed since that time.

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