
Glen Keith Distillery(26 Oct 2001)

Glen Keith蒸留所は1957年創業の比較的新しい蒸留所。敷地には以前製粉工場が建てられていて、その跡地に建設された。当初よりウェアハウスはKeith Station近くにある集中熟成庫を使用することを前提に建設されたので蒸留所の敷地内にはウェアハウスの建物はない。また、その当時の最新技術をふんだんに使った近代的な蒸留所だった。

Glen Keith Distillery was established in 1957, relatively a recent distillery. The site was built a mill before Glen Keith Distillery was built. They don’t have warehouses in the site because of using the central warehouses of Chivas Brothers Co near Keith Station. When Glen Keith Distillery was built, it was installed some latest technologies which included gas direct fired potstills and computer management system for making whisky.
Originally, the distillery was designed for triple distillation process. It may be a experimental distillery for the whisky industry.
However, triple distillation process was suspended in 1970’s and some equipments was increased in 1987.
Now, Glen Keith Distillery has been mothballed since 2000.

Glen Kerth蒸留所のウィスキー


St.Rufus Church(26 Oct 2001)

Keithで現存する最も古い教会は1816年に建てられたSt.Rufus Church。名前に使われているSt.Rufusは8世紀の守護聖人で、その当時の教会はKeithのどこかにあったはずだが、まだ場所は特定されていない。教会跡ではないかとされる昔の墓地跡があるらしいが決定的な証拠が見つかっていないという。

When I go around the town in Scotland, I often see churches. Those are large and old buildings, so I often take photographes for churches.
The oldest church in existence in Keith is St. Rufus Church. St. Rufus was the saint in Keith in 8th, The church for St. Fufus at that time stood somewhere in Keith, however it hasn’t been found where it is. An ancient graveyard include the mark likely church was found, but no evidence for this has been identified.

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