• タグ別アーカイブ: Lost Distillery
  • Campbeltown(4)

    Springside Distillery(26 April 2004)

    The Warehouse of Springside Distillery

    Springside蒸留所は1830年に町の中心地に近いBurnside Street沿いに建てられた。小規模な蒸留所が多いCampbeltownの蒸留所の中でも一番小さかった。

    Springside Distillery was built at the side of Burnside Street close to the town centre in 1830. It was the smallest of the distilleries in Campbeltown.
    However, it was favorable and founder family, Colvills owned and operated. But as well as other distilleries in Campbeltown, it was closed in 1926, during the recession of whisky industry.
    Buildings of the distillery were vacant for a long time, Co-operative Sosiety in Campbeltown applied for permission to convert the buildings to stables and store.
    Today site is an electric power company and only one warehouse of distillery still stands.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Brora(4)

    Old And New (7 May 2003)


    Building a distillery next to a distillery is not rare in Scotland, there are some pair of two adjacent distilleries. Most of them would be for reinforcement of production capacity. However, the relation between Clynelish and Brora is different. When Clynelish, which was built for reconstruction of production equipments, become stable to operate, Brora may have been closed. Depression of whisky in 1980’s may have been good as a reason of close.
    I don’t know the reason, but Brora single malt whisky, which distillery was closed more than thirty years ago, become few and rare whisky.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Brora(3)

    Brora Distillery (7 May 2003)


    The buildings of Brora Distillery, which weren’t used except warehouses, were damaged badly. Just as if the malt kiln claimed that this is distillery!
    A thing with a figure will be lost someday, but we understand that it is really important when we lost it.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Perth(1)

    Old Capital Of Scotland (17 Sep 2005)

    Perthの歴史は古く、1世紀頃までさかのぼる。現在の町は12世紀に当時の王、David1世の命により造られた。同じ頃にRiver Tayを渡る最初の橋が建築され、交通の要所になった。

    The start of Perth dates back to about 1st Century. The present town was started in 12th Century by King David 1st. And the first bridge across the River Tay was build at the same time. Perth was one of the most important town.
    Perth was also the capital of Scotland between 13th and 15th. If it says in Japan, it will be a town like Kyoto or Nara.


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Dufftown(6)

    Parkmore Distillery (28 Oct 2001)

    Glendullan蒸留所からKeith-Dufftown Railwayを挟んだ向かい側に残るParkmore蒸留所。ウィスキーブームの真っ只中の1894年に創業された蒸留所はそのブームが過ぎ去った1931年に閉鎖されるという時代に翻弄された歴史を持つ。

    There is a ruins of old distillery, called Parkmore Distillery in Dufftown. It lies on the opposite side of Keith-Dufftown Railway from Glendullan Distillery. It was build in 1894, in the middle of the Whisky Boom in 1890s. And closed in 1931, after the finish of the boom. It has a history of making a fool by the boom.
    After the closing, warehouses had been used by other disttillers until 1980s because of massive capacity of warehouse.
    Most buildings are still remained and it looks like operational. Parkmore Distillery is described as “The most perfect survivor of the Whisky Boom in 1890s in distilleries”.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697