
Dalmore Distillery(9 May 2003)

Cromarty Firthに面した海岸に建つDalmore蒸留所は1839年に創設された。1867年にMackenzie一族がオーナーとなり、1960年まで一族での経営がされていた。
第一次大戦中の1917年11月、蒸留所はアメリカ海軍によって接収された。Alness駅からの支線があり、港に近い、そしてウェアハウスが工場に適していたという不運が重なった。また当時の首相Lloyd Georgeが禁酒推進派で酒に対してよいイメージを持っていなかったことも影響しているのだろう。Sir Winston Churchillとはずいぶんと違う。

Dalmore Distillery lies on the share look out on Cromarty Firth. It was established in 1839 and owned by Mackenzie’s family in 1867. They had operated Dalmore Distillery until 1960.
Dalmore Distillery was took over by American Navy in Novenber 1917, during the World War 1st. Because it had a branch line to Alness Station, near port, warehoses were fit to use as a plant. And I think that it was affected by Lloyd George, Prime Minister of UK at that time. He promoted temperance, he didn’t think that drinking was good for the government and community.
All caskes stored in warehouses were moved to closest three distilleries, and warehouses were converted into plants of mine. About 32,000 of mines had been shipped from pier of distillery until 1918, the end of the World War 1st.
Distillery was returned with warehouses which was broken by explosion of mine in Febrary, 1919. If it was the present time, they would be claimed damages, but they had to work together with military at that time. Fortunately, the casks which were moved other distilleries were came back perfectly.

Beautiful River(9 May 2003)

巨大なInvergordon Grain Plantを通り過ぎてしばらくするとAlnessに着いた。City Link の黄色いバスから降りて町を見渡す。とても小さい町で泊まるところがあるか不安に思った。今回のツアーでAlnessは宿泊施設の情報が少なく予約が取れていない。でもメインストリートを歩いているとPubがあり、そこに泊まることが出来た。スコットランドの大抵の町のメインストリートには、今はホテルになっているが1階がPubでその上に宿泊施設のある、昔で言うところのInnやTavernがある。
宿も決まったのでさっそく蒸留所に向かう。蒸留所のある町には美しい川は付き物。River Averonに沿って遊歩道を海の方へ歩けば蒸留所がある。でも急ぐ必要はない。急げばシャッターチャンスが逃げていく。美しい川の流れをのんびりと眺めていると、ゆったりとした気分になる。

The City Link Coach passed beside the huge Invergordon grain whisky plant, and then arrived at bus stop of Alness. I was uneasiness, because I didn’t have a reservation of accommodation.
Fortunately, there was a pub at the hotel near the bus stop and I was able to make a reservation there. There are some accommodation which has a pub at the ground floor on the main street of town in Scotland.
I left for distilleries immediately. There is a beautiful river in whisky town. I walked toward Cromarty Firth along the River Averon. I would arrive at Teaninich Distillery in a little while, but I didn’t have to be hurry up. The stream of beautiful river relaxes us.
I think that even quick-tempered person would feel easy in Scotland.

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