
Stromness Harbour(6 May 2003)


Stromness lies the south western of Orkney Mainland, and second important port in Orkney. It have prospered as a good natural port long time ago. There is the ferry to Scrabster in Britain Mainland.
The name Stromness comes from the Norse “Straumtnes”. There are a lot of place name that comes from Norse word in Northern Scotland. Probably, Stromness was used by the Picts before the Vikings arrived. It was called “Strumnay” by the 1300s, and the first record “Stromness” was in 1544.
Stromness grew up as a base of fishing from late of the 1700s. From the 1770s whaling fleets to go to Greenland began to hire crew and supply. Orkadian had a great skill of controlling a ship. The relation of Stromness and industly of whaling had kept until the 1900s.
During the herring boom of the late 19th century, the catch of herring was best in Northern Scotland. There were more than 400 fishing boats in haurber and population of Stromness were up to three times. At that time, there were 4 Inn, more than 30 pubs, 3 schools and 3 banks in the small town.


The Site of Stromness Distillery(5 May 2003)

Orkneyはその温暖な気候で古くから農業が盛んだった。その穀物を利用してウィスキー造りも盛んに行われ、18世紀頃は数ヶ所の蒸留所があった。Stromnessもいくつかの蒸留所があったが1817年に初めて合法的な蒸留所、Man o’Hoy(Stromness)蒸留所が建設された。町の斜面を利用して造られた蒸留所はマッシュタンからウォッシュバック、ポットスティルへポンプの手助けなく重力でウィスキーを移動できたという。そのウィスキーはO.O(Old Orkney)の名で売り出されたが1927年に閉鎖され、現在は何の痕跡も残っていない。

Orkney Islands has warm and mild weather, so agriculture is one of the most industry, barley is one of main product in Orkney. Making whisky was popular, there were some distilleries in or near Stromness 18th. The first legal distillery, called Man o’Hoy Distillery(Stromness Distillery) was build on a steep site in 1817. So the liquid flow from mash tun to pot still without help from pumps. That whisky was known by O.O(Old Orkney), however the distillery was closed in 1927. Now there is no remain of distillery.

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