
Ardbeg Distillery(23 April 2004)

Islayの中でもひときわスモーキーフレーバーが強いと言われるArdbeg。その創業は1815年となっているけど1794年にこの地でウィスキーを造っていたという記録も残っている。創業者の一族、MacDougall家が1977年まで運営を行ってきたがHiram Walker社が買収し、直後の1980年から1989年まで操業を停止していた。1989年から1996年までAllied Distillers社が不定期にウィスキー造りを行った。この頃は完全にフロアモルティングを止め、Port Ellenからヘビーピートタイプの麦芽を購入していた。

Ardbeg has a strong peat and smokey flavor. It is said that Ardbeg is the most smokey and peaty whisky. It was legally established in 1815 by John MacDougall, but there was the record which was made whisky around Ardbeg in 1794. MacDougalls had operated Ardbeg Distillery until 1977. Hiram Walker acquired in 1977 and distillery was mothballed from 1980 to 1989. Ardbeg Distillery was taken over by Allied Distillers and they operated and made whsky irregularity from 1989 to 1996. Floor malting didin’t work and they bought strong peated malt from Port Ellen Malting at that time.
In 1997, Glenmorangie acquired Ardbeg Distillery and restarted making whisky. In 1998, repair of malt kiln had started. People expected restart of floor malting. But it was a rebuild of distillery shop and cafe. Floor malting won’t be restarted.



Malt Kiln of Ardbeg(23 April 2004)

今日はあまり天気がよくない。曇っていて時折小雨が降る。これぞScotch Weather。Port Ellenのバス停で10:35のバスを待つ。定刻通りやって来たバスには乗客が1人しか乗っていなかった。今日はバスで帰ろうと思いながらバスに乗り込むとそのたった1人の乗客がいきなり私の名前を呼んだ。昨日も行動を共にした神戸のBarmanだ。今日も一緒に行動するようだ。
“どこへ行くねん?”と一応尋ねる。彼とはひょっとして赤い糸で結ばれているのだろうか。いや、琥珀色の糸かな。(彼はその後、Savoy北野坂で務めた後に自身のBar Morvanをオープンした)

It was not good weather today, cloudy and sometimes rained, real Scotch Weather. I took the bus to Ardbeg, left at 10:35 Port Ellen Bus Stop. Passengers were just two.
Suddenly, other passenger called me. The man was a Japanese barman from Kobe, we met yesterday. I asked him where he went to, of course I knew that he went to Ardbeg Distillery.
The bus was arrived in 10 minutes. It was a beautiful double structured malt kiln, but it wasn’t operated. The Distillery Tour started at 11:30. I thought it was a awkward time to start. After the tour, we tasted some whisky and bought something. Time was about 13:00, good time to have a lunch.

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