
Glenturret Distillery (17 Sep 2005)

またいち早くビジターセンターを建設したことでも知られている。このビジターセンターは2002年に改装され、”Famous Grouse Experience”としてスコットランドでも有数の観光名所になっている。
右を見ても左を見ても雷鳥ばっかり。Famous Grouseは嫌いではないが、Glenturretのアイドルはタウザーでしょ。タウザーはいずこへ・・・

Glenturret Distillery lies near Crieff, though it takes about 20 minutes by walk from Crieff. It was established in 1775, one of the oldest distilleries in Scotland.
And also it is a first distilleries to make a visitor centre in Scotland. It was rebuilt in 2002 and now, it has been one of the best tourist attraction in Scotland, called “Famous Grouse Experience”
However, I don’t think that it is a great attraction for whisky connoisseures. The time for seeing the process of making whisky is very short, and you have to watch a 3D movie from a point of view of flying grouse at the studio room which was rebuilt from old malt kiln.
I don’t want to see a grouse in Glenturret. I want to see Towser. Where is Towser?



Turret Burn (17 Sep 2005)

Crieffは町の側を流れるRiver Earnを渡る最初の橋が作られた場所で17世紀には交通の要所となっていた。当時は牛市場の中心地となって栄えていた。
山間のLoch TurretからRiver Earnに流れ込むTurret Burn流域には数ヶ所の蒸留所があったとの記録があるが現在はGlenturret蒸留所が残るのみ。美しい川の流れを見て、この水ならばおいしいウィスキーが造れると思ったのだろう。

Crieff is a place of building the first bridge across the River Earn, it was one of the important town in Scotland. There was the big market for cattle.
There were some distilleries in the valley of Turret Burn which flows from Loch Turret to River Earn. Now, Glenturret Distilery is survived.
The stream of Turret Burn is beautiful, the colour is like whisky. I guess Scottish people would consider to be able to make good whisky using the water of Turret Burn.

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