• タグ別アーカイブ: Ruthven Barracks
  • Kingussie(3)

    Ruthven Barracks(16 Sep 2007)

    Kingussieの町外れ、River Speyの河川敷に面した高台にあるRuthven Barracks。この場所には一番古い記録として1229年に城があったことが記述されている。
    現在見ることの出来るRuthven Barracksは1715年のJacobiteの反乱の後、駐屯地兼要塞として建てられたもので1745年のBonnie Prince Charlieを擁したJacobiteの反乱の時に200人の反乱軍が攻めてきた。これを12人の守備兵が半年間持ちこたえたが最終的に降伏した。

    Ruthven Barracks stand on the hill along the River Spey, outskirts of Kingussie. According to the first record, a castle was built here in 1229.
    The present Ruthven Barracks we see was build as a fort and barrack after the 1715 Jacobite uprising.
    When Jacobites commanded by Bonnie Prince Charlie uprised again in 1745, 200 Jacobites tried to capture Ruthven Barracks. However, just 12 guards had fought them off for 6 months. Finally, the guards surrendered.
    The defeat of Jacobites was inevitable after the Battle of Culloden in 1746, Jacobites set fire to the barracks, and took to flight.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 414