• タグ別アーカイブ: Dufftown Distillery
  • Dufftown(5)

    Dufftown Distillery (29 Oct 2001)

    聖地、Dufftownの町の名をつけるDufftown蒸留所は南側のDullan Waterの辺の低地にある。1896年に出来たDufftownでは新しい蒸留所の部類に入る。

    As you know, Dufftown is the Whisky Capital, there are 7 distilleries in or around the town. Dufftown Distillery has the name of Whisky Capital, but it is rather a new distillery in Dufftown.
    Distillery had been repaired since 1960s. however they have had some old buildings of original distillery, include the malt kiln.
    When I visited the distillery, it was a rainy day. When I saw the Still House, the man saw the monitor of management system of disttiled spirits. They have a modern computer system.
    I’m a computer system engineer, though I don’t like a computer. But I’m really interested in the computer system of whisky distilleries.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 232