Fort William(3)

Ben Nevis Distillery(8 May 2006)

Ben Nevis蒸留所は1825年創業の古い蒸留所で、この地区で最初の合法的な蒸留所とAlfred Barnardの著書にも記述されている。しかしウィスキー産業の状況により、1983年に操業停止に追い込まれた。その後1989年にニッカウィスキーが買収して1990年に操業再開された。

Ben Nevis Distillery was build in 1985, according to The whisky Distilleries of the United Kingdom, written by Alfred Barnard, the first legal distillery in this area.
Unfortunately, Ben Nevis Distillery was forced to shut down in 1983 because of the situation of whisky industry. After that it was acquired in 1989 by Nikka Whisky, then has restarted to operate in 1990.
By that time, Mr. Masataka Taketsuru, founder of Nikka Whisky, has been aleady the deceased, but if he were alive, I wonder if he thought this situation.

Ben Nevis蒸溜所のウィスキー

フォート ウィリアムのお勧め

Inverlochy Castle(7 May 2006)

Fort Williamの町外れ、Ben Nevis蒸留所へ行くまでの間に古い城跡、Inverlochy Castleがある。13世紀末よりこの地にある城はLoch Nessからの川に面している。大阪城が大川を利用しているように自然の地形を利用して城の防御力を高めるのは万国共通のセオリー。

“Fort” means fortress, a place that is attached to “Fort” to the name can imagine it was an important strategic point. In ancient times there was a fortress at that position.
There is the old Castle, Inverlochy Castle on the outskirts of Fort William, the way to the Ben Nevis distillery. The castle which was build in the end of the 13th century, is facing the river from Loch Ness.
Increasing the defense force of the castles using the natural landscape is universal theory as if some Japanese castles are facing a river. People think the same thing even if the country is different.

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