
Deanston Distillery (22 Sep 2005)

Stirlingからバスで北西に20分程のところにあるDeanstonの町は1785年、River Teith沿いにあったAdelphi紡績工場の従業員のために造られた町でその工場の従業員はDeanstonか隣のDouneに住んでいた。
その工場は1785年創業の当時の最先端技術がつぎ込まれたもので、設計者はRichard Arkwright。彼は1768年に水力紡績機を発明し、その後いくつもの紡績工場を建設している。Deanstonもその中の1つだった。英国における産業革命の重要人物の一人で1786年にナイトの称号を受けている。

Deanston lies on the south bank of the River Teith, it takes about 20 minutes from Stirling by bus. The town was built for workers of Adelphi cotton mill in 1785. All workers lived either in Deanston or Doune, a neighboring town.
Adelphi cotton mill was established in 1785, designed by Richard Arkwright. He invented a water-powered spinning machine in 1768. After that, he built some cotton mill in UK. He is one of the most important person for Industrial Revolution of UK. He was also knighted in 1786.
The cotton mill was closed in 1965, then converted into Deanston Distillery.
Deanston Distillery was established in 1965, however some buildings are old and important. They have to preserve them as a historical heritage of Industrial Revolution.



Doune Castle (22 Sep 2005)

Deanstonから2km程東にあるDouneには14世紀末に建てられた古城、Doune Castleがある。これは当時の王、Robert3世(Robert de Bruceの孫)の弟、Robert Stewartのために建てられたもので国王の死後、1406年に摂政に就任し、最高権力者として実権を握っていた。
訪れた時は雨。あいにくの天気なのに見学者は多い。そんなに有名な城なのかと思ったら、1975年に公開された劇場版”Monty Python and the Holy Grail”のロケ地ということで古城ファンだけでなくモンティパイソンファンも訪れるという。

There is a old castle, called “Doune Castle” in Doune, about 2km east of Deanston. It was build in the end of 14th, for Robert Stewart, younger brother of The king Robert 3rd who was the grand son of Robert de Bruce. He became a ruler of Scotland from 1388, when Robert 3rd died.
I went to the castle in the morning on Thusday, on a rainy day. However, some visitors came to the castle. I didn’t expected it.
“Why is it famous?”
I checked about Doune Castle after I came back to Japan. So, I know that the castle is the place of taking the Monty Python ‘s movie, called “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” in 1975.

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