
Oban Distillery(6 May 2006)

Oban蒸留所の高い煙突は船の上からでもはっきりとわかる町のランドマーク。Isle of Mullへ向かうフェリーからもよく見える。

The tall chimney of Oban Distillery is one of the landmark of Oban. You can see from the ferry to Isle of Mull.
Most traveleres who stopped at Oban would see the landmark, and when they saw the chimney which they saw to be small gradually at the departure from Oban, they would feel loneliness on a journey.



The McCaig's Tower(5 May 2006)

Oban蒸留所の煙突と共に町のランドマークになっているMcCaig's Towerは蒸留所の背後の高台にある。ギリシャのコロセウムに似た石造りの建造物は地元の銀行家が石工たちの仕事を増やすために1897年に建造工事を始めたが途中で本人が死去し、資金も底をついて工事は中止されたまま放置され、現在に至るという何ともしまらない話だ。
There are two landmark of Oban. One is the tall chimney of Oban Distillery, another is McCaig's Tower. It is on the hill behind the Oban Distillery. Tower is made by stone and similar to Colosseum in Rome.
The tower was built by a local banker in 1897 because of providing work for local stonemasons. However construction was interrupted because of death of him and the tower has remained these days.

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