
Red Cuillin(10 May 2006)

Glen Sligachanを挟んでBlack Cuillinの向かいにあるRed Cuillin。正式名称はThe Red Hillsと呼ばれる。花崗岩で構成されている複数の山が、スコットランドを代表する美しい景色を作り出す。
Black Cuillinと同じくRed Cuillinもエールの名前に付けられ、日本でも知られているが最近は見かけることが少なくなった。モルトウィスキーがあれほど揃うのに英国産のビールが手に入らないとは・・・

Red Cuillin is across Glen Sligachan from Black Cuillin. It’s called The Red Hills formally. There are some mountains which are mainly composed of granitic rock. I think Red Cuillin is one of the best view point in Scotland.
Similarly Black Cuillin, Red Cuillin is named on bottle ale made in Isle of Skye. However, I can’t get it in Japan these days. It is easy to get most bottles of malt whisky, but really difficult to get British Ale in Japan.



Where Are You From?(10 May 2006)


You can see sheep in Scotland anywhere. They probably would be farm animals, but I sometime see them in unexpected place. I wonder who their owner is, where their owner is, or if they are wild animals?
I saw a black face sheep which stand on the campsite in Sligachan. There is no grassland near Sligachan. I didn’t know where he came from.

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